Eric Percak

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Exterior. Night.

Aaron: Damn, it's cold, I might have to cowboy cigarette this one.

Pete: Pass me your lighter. Damn, hands are going to freeze just lighting this.

Aaron: Do you think he noticed me in there?

Pete: Got it. Damn, I need to quit. This is stupid.

Aaron: I mean, he was acting kinda weird, but I don't think he saw, right?

Pete: I wouldn't worry about it.

Aaron: Damn, he totally saw me. I shouldn't have done that. I'm just drunk. She looked good.

Pete: Dammit, pass me the lighter again.

Aaron: Should I apologize? I mean, that might make it better. I don't know. That could just make it more awkward too.

Pete: You still need to get rid of that ticket for tomorrow?

Aaron: Yeah. You interested?

Pete: Maybe. I'll let you know.

Aaron: Could you, like, let me know soon? Cuz, you know, I don't want to have to eat it and, like—

Pete: Yeah, okay.

Aaron: I think they're fighting now. He looks really pissed. Oh, he just put on his coat. He's leaving. He's heading this way. Heyyyy, how's it going, buddy? Heading home already? It's freezing out here. I'm going back inside.


Pete: You want one. No, it's cool, I need to quit anyway.