Eric Percak

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Innolibrium Tech - Part 2

Interior. Office.

I assure you, sir, that my skills will transfer here. Now, I may not have much experience when it comes to—

Let me stop you right there. We're looking for someone who is cooperative, a real team player, you know what I mean?

I believe I do. And let me tell you about the time over at Blue Window when we had to solve this tricky algorithm. I mean, this thing—

I'm familiar with your work. Your programming record is not what concerns us. You wouldn't be sitting here if you weren't capable of the task load.

Sorry, I just thought that—

Do you carry an umbrella when it looks like it might rain?

I prefer a raincoat. I don't have much luck with umbrellas.

That's a good answer. If you did have an umbrella, though, in addition to your raincoat, would you lend the umbrella to someone who had neither, who was walking in the same direction?

I'd like to think so, but really I'd be preoccupied by the thought that we wouldn't be walking in the same direction for long. And that it would be awkward.