Eric Percak

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1. i think i'll go over here now. nom nom grass nom

2. You rather underestimate me. I'm sophisticated and learned. I just happen to appreciate the luxury of a leisurely life. 

3. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 

4. I know what I am. I'm fuzzy and adorable: a living, breathing muppet.

5. Don't say anything, I'm counting... Ugh. Now I have to start over. Okay, one, two, three...

6. You look like you could use a friend.

7. Meep moooop... circuits malfunctioning... meeep... must transmit data... grrrrrr... mechanics wearing down... disguise in peril... must preserve identi....

8. Why aren't you d'aww awwing?

9. It's not easy to admit, but I'm afraid of almost everything.